Okay oh man day 2 lots happen.. with day two we only get one hr out of the house so we took her swimming for like 15 mins and then store for the rest cause we needed to pick u some things. the rules are no diapers but she had one and ill get to why..
everything started out good she woke up i put her on her potty she sat there but no pee or poop. than watched some dora, yo gabba gabba, and mickey mouse had some break fast then some play time. no accidents yet then i smell something and let me tell you i had my eyes on her like a hawk but i guess i blink or something cause there it was.. she pooped but she wasnt done so i put her on her potty and she halfed pooped in her potty it was very lil but still it was an accomplishment for us yay!
later she had some snacks and lunch and nothing but water to help =] she had a few accidents the last one i guess she got scared or idk and she started crying and pee was running down her leg so i put her on her potty and she cried the whole time i felt bad but she did pee so i showed her how proud i was of her and calmed her down and gave her a lollipop as a reward.
*if any one has any advice on how to help with her being scared please help.
Now as all this was happening my boyfriend her father was looking at me like i was a bad mom and torturing her and it really just put a toll on me and with that we discussed potty training her after our trip back for vegas since he would have a whole week off so he can help and he said yes he would help and support me but since day one her hasn't besides being negative so since i had no help and she was freaked about peeing in the toilet i got super frustrated and put her in her diaper and left it like that for the rest of the day.. and he had to change every diaper. after i calmed down and talk to my mom and a few friends i decided i was doing good and so was khaila and to just take a deep breath and keep going with it so this morning we started with morning potty and shes still naked and so far no accidents and not potty uses but she is happier and wants to get on her potty =] today is the last day of the potty routine so tomorrow ill have my update and what im gonna do after to continue the potty training.
thanks for stopping by and reading if u have any advice please feel free to pass it on i love links <3
I've read that it is normal for a toddler to show signs of being scared especially if they are on the younger side. From what I've read it is a sign of resistance and you should maybe wait a couple weeks and then try again. I'd say give it another day and if she starts crying again or seems scared then you might want to hold off for a short while. You also definitely need to get your boyfriend on the same page. If Khaila senses the stress it will just make potty training her much harder, plus you don't want her to have any negative associations with it. Those are just my two cents. I'm obviously not an expert or anything. ;)